Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens Sample Pictures

Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens
Little Girl and Golden Retriever Puppy Little Girl and Golden Retriever Puppy

A little girl walks her Golden Retriever Puppy. This shot was taken under a cloudy sky.

18mm  f/5.6  1/500s  ISO 800
Cowgirl and American Flag Cowgirl and American Flag

A cowgirl carries an American Flag while riding her horse. When using a slow (narrow aperture) lens for indoor action, motion blurs are one of the options. Whether or not you like them is a matter of taste.

55mm  f/9.0  1/3s  ISO 200
Haltering the Horse Picture Haltering the Horse Picture

A girl halters her horse in preparation for a ride. A cloudy day provided constant lighting - conditions under which I usually select manual mode metering as I did in this case. Otherwise, a dark horse or bright sky can be a challenge to auto exposure.

21mm  f/5.6  1/250s  ISO 400
Portrait of a Young Girl Portrait of a Young Girl

This is about as close as you want to frame a portrait with a 55mm focal length on an APS-C/1.6x body. Get any closer and that nose starts looking too big in relation to the rest of the head.

55mm  f/5.6  1/80s  ISO 400
Eating an Apple Picture Eating an Apple Picture

I don't know why she is eating an apple in the Christmas tree patch, but she was caught in a nice pose.

18mm  f/5.6  1/400s  ISO 100
Horse Jumping Picture Horse Jumping Picture

A young girl enjoys the thrill of jumping her horse while riding on a bare-back saddle. AI Servo AF mode combined with a manual exposure setting and a relvatively wide angle focal length delivered this shot.

24mm  f/5.6  1/1000s  ISO 1600
Girl Sitting on Couch Girl Sitting on Couch

Plenty of natural light in a window-filled room is all that was needed for this full-body portrait.

44mm  f/5.6  1/80s  ISO 400
Tree Shadows on Green Grass Tree Shadows on Green Grass

Colorful late fall leaves light up the background while a couple of tall Hickory trees cast shadows across the green grass.

18mm  f/11.0  1/40s  ISO 100
Buddies Picture Buddies Picture

A little girl hangs with her buddy - a Golden Retriever puppy. Lighting for this shot is ambient window light with on-board fill flash.

39mm  f/5.0  1/50s  ISO 1600
A Girl and Her Colt A Girl and Her Colt

A girl shows attention to her Palomino Colt. Looks like she needs a hat adjustment.

18mm  f/5.6  1/250s  ISO 400
Stone Barn Picture Stone Barn Picture

The sun hits a stone barn directly in front.

25mm  f/11.0  1/160s  ISO 100
Cowboy Roping  Steer Picture Cowboy Roping Steer Picture

A young cowboy chases down a steer in the steer roping event. This lens would not stop the action indoors, but I like the blurred colors and the identifiability of the event.

55mm  f/8.0  1/5s  ISO 400
Going Riding Picture Going Riding Picture

A girl rides her horse in a riding ring.

28mm  f/5.6  1/320s  ISO 800
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Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens
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