Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di VC PZD Lens Specifications and Measurements

SpecificationsTamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di VC PZD Lens
  Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di VC PZD Lens
Year Introduced2014
Mounts OnFull-Frame, APS-C
Lenses / Groups19/15
Angle of View: Diagonal75° 23' - 8° 15'
Aperture Range - Wide / Long f/3.5-22 / f/6.3-40
Aperture Max by Focal Length 28-32mm = f/3.5
33-47mm = f/4.0
48-61mm = f/4.5
62-93mm = f/5.0
94-169mm = f/5.6
170-300mm = f/6.3
Number of Aperture Blades 7
Rounded Aperture? Y
Manufacturer Specification Weight 19.1 oz  (540g)
Actual Weight 18.9 oz  (535g)
Lens Hood Weight 0.5 oz  (15g)
In-Use Weight 19.4 oz  (550g)
Manufacturer Spec Size (DxL) 2.93 x 3.78”  (74.4 x 96mm)
Measured Size (DxL) 3.03 x 4.14”  (77 x 105.1mm)
Max Length at Full Extension 7.19”  (182.6mm)
Internal Zoom? / Extends with Zoom? N / Y
Zoom Extension Length 3.05”  (77.5mm)
Internal Focusing? / Extends with Focusing? Y / N
Lens Hood Size (DxL) 3.39 x 1.7”  (86.2 x 43.2mm)
Lens Length with Hood (Min-Max) 5.61 - 8.66”  (142.4 - 219.9mm)
Size of Rings: Focus / Zoom 0.4” / 1.19”  (10.2mm / 30.2mm)
Filter Size 67mm  UV ► CP ►
Front Element (Filter Mount) Rotates N
AF Motor Type PZD
Full Time Manual Focus Y
Focus Ring Rotation 132°
Focus Limiter? / Focus Limiter Ranges N
Distance Scale? / Type Y / Window
Close Focus  
Spec Min Focus Distance (Wide / Long) 19.29”  (490mm)
Tested Min Focus Distance (Wide / Long) 15.51” / 15.51”  (394mm / 394mm)
Maximum Magnification 0.29x
Zoom Ring Rotation 80°
Tripod Ring Included? / Removable? N
Zoom Ring Lock Switch? N
Lens Hood Included / Model? Y /
Weather Sealed? / Filter Required? N
Image Stabilization? / Stops? / Tripod Sensing? Y / /
Extender Compatible? N
Case Included? / Type? N /
47.25" x 31.5" Subject Framing Distance 28mm = 3.28'
35mm = 4.15'
50mm = 6.0'
70mm = 8.04'
100mm = 11.08'
200mm = 20.85'
300mm = 29.41'
1200mm x 800mm Subject Framing Distance 28mm = 999mm
35mm = 1266mm
50mm = 1829mm
70mm = 2451mm
100mm = 3378mm
200mm = 6356mm
300mm = 8964mm
Review Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di VC PZD Lens
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