Ready for the Pass

A soccer player preps to make a pass. I usually like a player's face in the picture, but I like how this shot shows a play unfolding - and I like how the players are positioned in the frame.
Although I can't think of a reason why a shutter speed can be too fast when trying to stop action, the 1/4000 setting used for the shot is faster than necessary. I prefer to shoot sports in manual mode with my settings locked in, but this day had a partly cloudy sky that produced highly variable lighting conditions. I set the ISO high enough for the f/2.8 aperture in Av mode to give me an acceptably fast shutter speed when the clouds came over. I could then focus on getting the shots.

Camera and Lens Settings
400mm  f/2.8  1/4000s
ISO 250
3744 x 5616px
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