Vincent Laforet Explains the Psychological Impact of Camera Movement

B&H's Explora Explora has a great article titled "Vincent Laforet and the Psychological Impact of Camera Movement." It's a great read for anyone who's interested in using their DSLR to create compelling videos.

I've just started doing more video work with my DSLRs and found this article to be very insightful. [Sean]

Questions Answered by Laforet in the Article

  • Let’s begin by getting a little bit of your background. You began your career as a still photographer, correct?
  • What was the hardest part about making the transition from still photographer to director?
  • How much experience, if any, did you have with camera movement prior to making the switch to the video world? What resources did you use to expand your understanding?
  • So there’s really no replacing hands-on experience, is there?
  • Can you explain "motivated" versus "unmotivated" camera movement?
  • Would you mind summarizing your approach and preparation in regard to motion, from when you first sit down with the screenplay to actually shooting on set?
  • Do you have a personal visual style with which you like to approach your films?
  • Do you have any gear recommendations for people who are just starting to learn and experiment with camera motion?

Posted: 5/2/2014 8:20:38 AM ET    Posted By: Sean
Posted to: Canon News, Sony News    
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