CPN Presents "Inside Lightroom 5 (Part 5): Output Options"

Canon Professional Network has published part five of its five part "Inside Lightroom 5" series.

From Canon Professional Network:

"Examining the output options of Lightroom is the final part of this series, but it is equally as important as the rest. There are multiple output choices that we have available to us: options such as making books, creating web galleries or slide shows or just printing and exporting to social platforms (such as Facebook or Behance). This guide explains all of them and will give you a flavour of each option and how to use them to your advantage."

Adorama carries Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.

Check out the full "Inside Lightroom" series:

  1. Modules & Importing
  2. Ranking & Selecting Images
  3. Global Adjustments
  4. Local Adjustments
  5. Output Options

Posted: 11/22/2013 6:37:30 AM ET    Posted By: Sean
Posted to: Canon News, Sony News    Category: Canon Professional Network
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