Benjamin Von Wong Creates Huge "Where's Waldo" Image

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Benjamin Von Wong is an exciting photographer that I've been following for quite some time on YouTube. His images are usually very striking and creative - and he typically provides behind-the-scenes videos that are interesting and informative.

For his latest project, Von Wong was asked to do something a little different – create the world's largest real-life "Where's Waldo" scene for the town of Traunstein, Germany. The amount of planning, preparation and work that went into this shoot is significant to say the least. But the resulting image is a lot of fun to browse. I did notice a few ghosting/stitching errors, but overall I think it's a great image and significant achievement in logistics and coordination.

By the way – I found Waldo. Can you?

Behind the Scenes Video

You can also check out Von Wong's behind-the-scenes blog post for more information.

Posted: 11/4/2013 8:20:37 AM ET    Posted By: Sean
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