Nikon Establishes New Factory in Laos

From Nikon:

Nikon Corporation (Makoto Kimura, President) is pleased to announce the establishment of a new factory in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos) to reinforce its digital SLR camera manufacturing organization and reduce costs. Operations are scheduled to commence in October 2013.

Entry-level and mid-class digital SLR cameras, and some interchangeable lenses are manufactured by Nikon (Thailand) Co., Ltd. in the Ayutthaya province of Thailand. With the establishment of this new factory in Laos, a part of the production for digital SLR cameras which are completed as final products at Nikon (Thailand) will be done in Laos.

Company Overview

NameNikon Lao Co., Ltd.
AddressKM 28, Savan-Seno Special Economic Zone, Savannakhet Province, Lao P.D.R.
CapitalLAK 60,000,000,000 (approx. ¥ 600,000,000)
OwnershipNikon (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Approximately 99.99%) and other
Representative directorNobuyuki Muraishi
*Part-time service. Also serves as Managing Director of Nikon (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Site areaApproximately 12,500 m2
Floor spaceApproximately 10,000 m2
No. of employeesApproximately 800 (planned) when operations commence
Start of operationsScheduled for October 2013
Primary activitiesAssembly of digital SLR camera units

Posted: 3/21/2013 7:13:39 AM ET    Posted By: Sean
Posted to: Nikon News    
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