Adobe Releases December Lightroom Updates

From Adobe:

Feature summary | Lightroom (December 2019 release)

Easily contribute photos and videos to a Lightroom shared album

New in Lightroom desktop and mobile

View and contribute photos to any shared group album, using Lightroom desktop and mobile (iOS and Android), in addition to Lightroom on the web. First, click the 'View album' button in the email invite that is sent by the album owner. Then, open the app and click the icon. Under section Shared with You, you can view the album(s) that are shared with you.

If the album owner has provided contribution rights, you can add photos by doing the following: (On desktop) Right-click (Windows)/Control-click (macOS) the album under Shared with You and select Set "" as the Target Album. Then, select photos within Lightroom from My Photos or Albums and press the T key. Click Add Photo(s) in the confirmation dialog box.

Alternatively, select one or more photos in All Photos or one of your own albums. Then, in the left panel, navigate to the desired Shared with You album and drag and drop the photos into the desired shared album in the left panel.

(On mobile) With a Lightroom shared album selected, tap Add photos from the options menu or tap the import icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and select photos to contribute.

To learn more, see:

Directly import photos from a camera or SD card

New in Lightroom for mobile (iOS)

You can directly import photos and videos from an SD card or other attached media into Lightroom for mobile (iOS). Your iOS device should be running on iOS 13.2 or later to support this feature.

For more details, see Import photos and videos from a camera or SD card in PTP mode.

Export photos in the format of your choice

New in Lightroom for mobile (iOS)

Select the photos you want to export and click the Share icon to quickly access the Export screen. You can export edited photos as JPEG, TIF, DNG, or as the original photo with applied settings. Moreover, you can access export setting options such as JPG Quality, Output Sharpening, Color Space, and File Naming.

For more details, see Export photos from iOS.

Support for new cameras and lenses

New in Lightroom/Camera RAW

Newly Supported Cameras

CameraRaw image filename extensionMinimum Camera Raw plug-in version requiredMinimum Lightroom version requiredMinimum Lightroom Classic version required
Canon EOS M200CR312.13.19.1
Canon EOS RaCR312.13.19.1
Google Pixel 4DNG12.13.19.1
Google Pixel 4 XLDNG12.13.19.1
Leica SL2DNG12.13.19.1
Nikon Z 50NEF12.13.19.1
Sigma fpDNG12.13.19.1
Sony a9 II (ILCE-9M2)ARW12.13.19.1
Zeiss ZX1DNG12.13.19.1

Newly Supported Lens Profiles

ManufacturerLensLens mountMinimum Camera Raw plug-in version requiredMinimum Lightroom version requiredMinimum Lightroom Classic version required
CanonCanon RF 15-35mm f/2.8 L IS USMCanon RF12.13.19.1
CanonCanon RF 24-70mm f/2.8 L IS USMCanon RF12.13.19.1
CanonCanon RF 70-200mm F2.8 L IS USMCanon RF12.13.19.1
CanonCanon RF 85mm F1.2 L USM DSCanon RF12.13.19.1
SigmaSIGMA 16mm F1.4 DC DN C017Canon M12.13.19.1
SigmaSIGMA 30mm F1.4 DC DN C016Canon M12.13.19.1
SigmaSIGMA 56mm F1.4 DC DN C018Canon M12.13.19.1
SigmaSIGMA 105mm F1.4 DG HSM A018Sony FE12.13.19.1
ZeissZEISS ZX1 (DNG + JPEG)Zeiss12.13.19.1

Other enhancements

Lightroom for mobile (Android)

View profiles of people who have authored interactive tutorials. In the Home view, tap an author's name from a tutorial's thumbnail to access their profile where you can find a collated list of their tutorials. For more information, see Find tutorials and posts from author's profiles.

B&H carries Adobe Photography Plan subscriptions.

Posted: 12/11/2019 5:00:14 AM ET    Posted By: Sean
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