Canon PowerShot G1 X Digital Camera Resolution Results

In addition to the distortion, flare and vignetting results already found on the Canon PowerShot G1 X Digital Camera Review page, resolution results using the ISO 12233 chart are now available. These results need some explanation.

As I have said before, I do not feel that Canon's current version of Digital Photo Pro, version, is properly converting the G1 X RAW images when the "Viewing and saving RAW images" preference is set to "High quality". The problem appears identical to the problem we saw with the Canon EOS 5D Mark III when it first hit the streets. Canon fixed the 5D III issue quickly, but ... either disagrees with me that a problem exists - or has chosen to not make the G1 X fix a priority.

The G1 X ISO 12233 results show two samples being tested. In this case, both samples are from the same lens (and camera of course). Sample 1 images were processed at the "High speed" setting while sample 2 images were processed at the "High quality" setting (what I normally use). I feel that the sample 1 results best represent the sharpness of this camera, but have not processed any of my G1 X RAW images with hopes that Canon would give me the sharper results along the better-cleaned-up image quality that I expect "High quality" to deliver - in a DPP update.

Posted: 7/30/2012 1:36:31 PM ET    Posted By:
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