Adobe Releases Lightroom Classic CC v7.5

From Adobe:

This release of Lightroom Classic CC rolls out new features and enhancements such as Book module update, customizing pages, uploading Presets and Profiles in bulk, support for new cameras and lenses, and bug fixes.

Book module enhancements

New Blurb Book styles and Paper type

In this release of Lightroom Classic CC, two new book types (Blurb Magazine and Blurb Trade Book) and a new paper type (Standard Layflat) have been introduced in the Book module.

New Blurb Book styles

To access the new Blurb book styles, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Book module.
  2. In the Book Settings panel on the right, click the Book drop-down list.
  3. In the drop-down list, you can choose from Blurb Photo Book, PDF, JPEG, and the newly introduced Blurb Magazine and Blurb Trade Book.
New Paper type

  1. In the Book Settings panel, select Book as Blurb Photo Book.
  2. In the Paper Type drop-down list, you can choose from Premium Lustre, Premium Matte, ProLine Uncoated, ProLine Pearl Photo, Standard, and the newly introduced Standard Layflat. When using Standard Layflat, the minimum page count is 33 due to the binding requirements. The minimum page count for all other paper types is 20.
Choose where a page number is visible when printed

You can now select where page numbers are printed on a book, including on only left or right pages, or all pages. To adjust the location and display of page numbers in a book, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Book module.
  2. In the Page panel on the right, select the Page Numbers check box to enable the following options:
    1. Location: Choose where you want to print the page number on page - Top Corner, Bottom Corner, Top, Side, or Bottom.
    2. Display: Choose which pages in the book you want to print the page numbers on - Left and Right, Left Only, or Right Only.
Customize cells within a page

You can now add your own custom-sized cells within a page that are not restricted by the standard padding. Add multiple cells on a page, move specific cells to the front or back and drag the cell exactly where you want it. Then, save the look as a custom page to use the look again for another photo book. To add a new cell to a page:

  1. Select the page in the preview area.
  2. Right-click (Win) / Control-click (Mac) anywhere on the page and choose Add Cell > Photo or a Photo Description from the context-menu.
To resize or move the cells:

  1. Select a cell. A bounding box appears around the cell.
  2. To move the selected cell to a specific location on the page, drag the square icon at the center of the bounding box. Alternatively, use Alt (Win)/Option (Mac) + Arrow keys to move the selected cell.
  3. To adjust the size of the selected cell, drag one of the corner handles of the bounding box.
To arrange a cell to the front or back:

  1. Select a cell.
  2. Right-click (Win) / Control-click (Mac) and choose one of the Send to Back or Bring To Front options from the context-menu.
To save your page modifications as a custom page:

  1. Select a page in the preview area.
  2. Right-click (Win) / Control-click (Mac) anywhere on the page and choose Save As Custom Page from the context-menu. You can access the saved custom page in the Page panel on the right.
Pause and resume the upload of book to Blurb

In the Activity and Status area at the upper-left corner of the window (next to the Lightroom icon), you can now also pause and resume the upload of the pages to Blurb in the expanded progress bar.

Upload Presets and Profiles in bulk

Starting with this release, you can now import multiple presets or profiles in a zip file into Lightroom Classic.

  1. Navigate to the Develop module.
  2. Do any one of the following:
    • From the menu bar, choose File > Import Develop Profiles and Presets.
    • In the Presets panel, click the plus (+) icon at the upper-right corner and choose Import Presets from the menu.
    • In the Basic panel, click the Show Profile Browser icon in the Profile area. In Profile Browser, click the plus (+) icon at the upper-left corner and choose Import Profiles from the menu.

  3. In the import dialog that appears, select the .zip containing profiles and presets that you want to import. You can import XMP presets and profiles, DCP profiles, and LCP profiles as part of a zip file. However, .lrtemplate presets can't be imported as part of a zip file.
HEIC image files support on Windows

Beginning with this release, Lightroom Classic CC now supports Apple's HEIC image file format on Windows 10.

Support for new cameras and lenses

  • Parrot Anafi
  • Sony RX100 VA (DSC-RX100M5A)
  • Sony RX100 VI (DSC-RX100M6)

Fixed customer issues

Issues fixed in Lightroom Classic CC 7.5 (August 2018 release)

  • Touch workspace appears broken (thumbnails missing)
  • Preset incorrectly disables Lens Correction
  • Preset works all the time with raw files but only some of the time with a JPG file
  • Export using percentage results in wrong dimensions
  • Crop/Transform overlays are hard to see on lighter images
  • Imported movie file is saved to a different folder from capture date and time
  • In Book module, the sample text in the layout caption prints as 'Page Text' when exported to a PDF or a Blurb Book
  • Turning off Black & White Mix panel changes profile from Adobe Monochrome to Adobe Standard B&W
  • Dehaze tool causes lag in develop sliders
  • Unable to read multiple metadata fields in CR3 files
  • GPU rendering will not complete in Develop mode at Fit/Fill zoom levels
  • Replacing an existing preset doesn't work
  • Right-click to create new collection will default to the wrong collection set
  • Toggling Camera Calibration panel on/off after selecting Camera Matching Profile shows visual difference in Loupe
  • Incorrect date-time applied to filename when renaming video files

B&H carries Adobe Photography Plan subscriptions.

Posted: 8/22/2018 7:07:47 AM ET    Posted By: Sean
Posted to: Canon News, Sony News    Categories: Adobe News, Lightroom Updates
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