CDLC: Eleven Tips for Creating Great Holiday Cards

From the Canon Digital Learning Center:

by Laura Morita

The kids have been back to school for months. The weather is starting to get cooler. Before you know it, the holidays will be upon us. Holiday wish lists for games, pets, toys, and maybe even a unicorn will be made by your darling kiddos. You'll unpack your holiday decorations and excitedly plan for some fun family traditions. And then one day, you'll get your first holiday card in the mail from a family member or friend. Please tell me that you've had at least one year where that first card has rolled in, and you've been entirely caught off guard. Please tell me that that first card has been your reminder that you haven't even thought about your card yet. I want you to tell me this so that I feel better about my fairly predictable inability to prepare in advance for my own holiday card.

We can do this, people. We can get our holiday card out before the New Year. And here's some tips for wowing your family and friends with a beautiful card this season.

Read the entire article on the Canon Digital Learning Center.

Posted: 11/15/2016 6:50:22 AM ET    Posted By: Sean
Posted to: Canon News, Sony News    Category: Photography Education
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