Roger Cicala Thanks Rental Customers for 10 Great Years

Roger Cicala over at LensRentals has posted an open letter thanking rental customers for making the rental company he founded the great success it is today.

If you've ever rented from LensRentals, you've likely appreciated their excellent customer service. They are an excellent company and, as such, an easy recommendation when rental services are needed.

From the LensRentals Blog:

To Our Customers:

Ten years ago, if you wanted to try out some photography equipment, if you lived in a large market, your local camera store would have a few beat up copies of popular lenses for rent (with a 100% deposit). For the rest of us, we didn’t even have that option. I had this great idea to start an online rental offering, no deposits necessary and shared my idea with people I knew. Almost everyone said I would get robbed blind and lose every dime I had. Almost everyone said you’d get junky, beat-up rental equipment and were wasting your money renting online. Almost everyone said that my idea would be a massive failure.

I say ‘almost everyone’ because a few other people thought it was a good idea, too. You guys, our customers, thought it was a good idea. We’d never met each other unless emails count as a meeting. But we trusted each other because we all wanted this to work. Because we few thought that getting to use equipment for a few days or weeks at a reasonable price just made sense.

Almost everyone turned out to be dead wrong and we few turned out to be right. Lensrentals thrived beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Sure, I took risks, and the people who joined me here worked their butts off. But you guys, our customers, were our partners in proving ‘almost everyone’ wrong. Without you, it never would have happened.

Ten years later, saying thank you just isn’t adequate. There are no words that would possibly express my gratitude for all of you who supported Lensrentals and created our success; you folks who shared in proving ‘almost everyone’ wrong.

There are no words, but I believe actions are more important than words. Everyone who works here tries to show our gratitude in our actions. Whether it’s making all of our testing data public, making sure your rental arrives in better condition than you expected, drawing a dinosaur on your shipping box because you requested it, or just talking you through a difficult set-up on the phone, we want to show you our gratitude with every rental. We want you to know it’s more than just business. It’s a partnership between you and us. You’ve helped us achieve our goals; we want to make certain we help you achieve yours.

We wouldn’t be doing what we love to do every day without you. We want our actions, our attitude, and our service let you know, every time you rent from us, that we are grateful that you have partnered with us along this journey.

Roger Cicala

In celebration of its 10 year anniversary, LensRentals invites you to use promo code LR10YEAR to save on orders arriving before July 31st.

The code allows you to save $15.00 on orders of $100.00 - $249.00, $50.00 on orders of $250.00 - $999.00 and $250.00 on orders of $1000.00 or more.

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Posted: 7/6/2016 10:25:33 AM ET    Posted By: Sean
Posted to: Canon News, Sony News    Category: LensRentals News
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