Kirk Enterprises Introduces New Sure Grip Coating

From Kirk Enterprises:

New Sure Grip Coating from Kirk Enterprises

Now available on all lens feet is a KES Sure Grip Coating. This new coating makes carrying your long lens by our lens foot with this coating safer and more securable.

The KES Sure Grip Coating is textured, not allowing the lens foot to slip in your hands even if they are wet. Our lens foot is still anodized and then the Sure Grip Coating is applied. We will still offer our current anodized lens feet and as an option offer the Sure Grip Coating. Also you can send in your old Kirk lens foot and we will apply the Sure Grip Coating for $15.00 plus the return shipping.

Look for other Kirk Products to have our new KES Sure Grip Coating in the future. Remember, Kirk Products are manufactured and assembled in the USA.

B&H carries Kirk Enterprises gear.

Posted: 1/13/2012 4:58:31 PM ET    Posted By:
Posted to: Canon News, Sony News    Category: Kirk Enterprises News
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