Canon EOS 80D Noise Test results

Noise test results have been added to the Canon EOS 80D page.

In addition to the standard 80D test results, you will find 7 additional sets of results. The RAW-captured standard results utilize Canon's Digital Photo Professional Standard Picture Style with a sharpness setting of 1 (very low) and no noise reduction. The next two result sets utilize the default Standard Picture Style settings selected in-camera with standard noise reduction also selected, showing RAW vs JPG capture.

The MSNR results show the capability of Multi Shot Noise Reduction, also with the default Standard Picture Style and settings selected (JPG capture required). While MSNR shows great improvement (roughly 2 stops), it has limited usefulness in real world shooting. I'll explain more about this in the full review.

The next two result sets are labeled "Pushed". These images were created from the same baseline "Standard" results (no noise reduction, very light sharpening), but the brightness was pushed by 1 and 2 stops during post processing, simulating a severe underexposure situation. Similar results were added to the Canon EOS Rebel T6i and Canon EOS 70D tests for comparison purposes.

The last pair of results were acquired by underexposing and overexposing the original capture by 2 stops and then adjusting the results in Canon DPP by the same amount. The result is more noise and less noise respectively. The bright colors become muted in the overexposed capture due to blown color channels being darkened; but otherwise, these results show a benefit of ETTR (Exposing to the Right).

Here are some comparisons:

The next model down: EOS 80D vs. Rebel T6i/T6s)
The predecessor: EOS 80D vs. 70D
The next APS-C model up: EOS 80D vs. 7D Mark II

B&H has the Canon EOS 80D in stock.

Posted: 3/29/2016 8:59:04 AM ET    Posted By:
Posted to: Canon News    Category: Camera Gear Review News
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