Tip for Using the Site's Comparison Tools

As the number of lenses with test results available in our database increases, the amount of scrolling necessary to navigate the drop-down list boxes also increases, especially for brands sorting lower in the alphabet. To speed up the lens selection process, after opening the drop-down list, simply press the first letter of the brand name you want to select using the keyboard. The first-sorted option that starts with the typed letter will immediately be selected.

For example, to get to the Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4 Lens in a drop-down list box, click the list box's down arrow to show the list of all lenses tested, then press "z" and finish scrolling to find and select this lens.

Since I know in advance that Zeiss lenses will be at the end of the list, I could also have pressed the "End" key to quickly scroll to this lens. If a Zeiss lens is already selected and a high-in-the-list Canon lens is the selection target, the "Home" or "c" keys will take you there fast.

Try this tip now using the image quality tool.

Posted: 5/14/2015 8:21:51 AM ET    Posted By:
Posted to: Canon News, Sony News    
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