Advice for the Christmas Shopping Season

I know that you are about to be (or already have been) inundated with an overwhelming number of advertisements for the Black Friday start of the Christmas shopping season. There is a reason that the day is called "Black" and retailers significantly rely on the strong surge in sales that occur at this time of the year.

We here at also rely on the Christmas shopping season to fund our work of serving you and you using the links on the site prior to making your purchase (of anything) is (primarily) how that support happens. For example, click on any of the site's B&H links and buy a camera, lens, TV ... or anything. Or, click on an Amazon link and buy a case of diapers. Using the links costs you nothing extra, but provides the valuable support necessary to keep us working for you. We are very grateful for that support and count it a privilege to work for you!

That said, here is some advice I want to share: I caution you to that fact that many of products shown in the sales flyers you will receive or have already received are not going to be great deals. Just because a picture of an item along with a price is included in a sales flyer does not mean that the item is a great deal.

Before jumping on these "deals", first check the price at B&H, Adorama, Amazon or any of the other retailers included on the Support the Site page. You might be pleasantly surprised to see the price you find. These sites have started their Black Friday deals early and already have many very good deals available (find the links to these deals on the retailer's home pages).

Another piece of advice I have to share with our USA-based friends: prepare now to carve out time to spend with family and friends on the Thanksgiving holiday. And definitely have the camera ready to capture the memories of that celebrating!

Posted: 11/26/2014 10:47:27 AM ET    Posted By:
Posted to: Canon News, Sony News    
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