CPN's Back to School Portraits Tips

From Canon Professional Network:

"It’s that time of year again, when millions of children leave the comforts of home to start a new school year. For parents with children going to school for the first time, this is an important milestone they will want to remember for years to come. Even for an older child, documenting them at the start of each year, or when they start new legs of their education (such as entering Junior High, and High School) is a rewarding project.

Luckily, great back-to-school photos are easy to take – with little more than a basic digital SLR (for greater imaging control) and some attention to details.

Here are a few tips that will elevate what may have been just a quick snapshot into a truly meaningful portrait:"

Check out CPN's Tips for helpful information on School Portraits.

Posted: 8/24/2014 10:07:53 PM ET    Posted By: Sean
Posted to: Canon News    Category: Canon Professional Network
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