B&H Presents Creative Developing in Lightroom 5

From B&H's YouTube Channel:

Join landscape photographer and Canson Infinity ambassador Robert Rodriguez Jr as he shares advanced workflows in the Lightroom 5 Develop module.

Creatively developing images in Lightroom is more than just optimizing tonalities and color, it entails careful interpretation of the raw file to effectively convey the essence of the image. Selective detail, subtle use of color, and local adjustments are some of the things Robert demonstrates using the tools in the develop module. He also explain why these adjustments are important and how they can contribute to better images. This is not about pre-sets, but rather being open to your personal creative vision.

B&H carries Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.

Posted: 8/1/2014 9:13:22 AM ET    Posted By: Sean
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