Looking for quality product images to show off the gear you are using, to promote your services or to sell your personally-used gear?
The-Digital-Picture.com's product images are now available for free use on your website or social network page (Facebook, etc.)
to show the gear you are using or selling - or to show what you are drooling over.
Just one little catch - a requested link.
To get started, simply navigate to the review page for the product you want an image of, right-click on a permitted image and save it to your hard drive.
Then upload the image to your server, add it to your page or site and add a link back to www.The-Digital-Picture.com.
The-Digital-Picture.com grants you a free license to use its product images under the following conditions:
- The permitted use of The-Digital-Picture.com (TDP) product images is to show the gear you are using or personally-used gear you are selling - or to show the gear you are drooling over.
- TDP product images available for free use are those designated with a "© The-Digital-Picture.com" watermark.
- A visible/usable link to www.The-Digital-Picture.com is to be provided on each page a TDP product image is used on.
This link can reference a specific product review page where the site visitor can learn more about that product, and linking to the home page is always very acceptable.
- If using an image on every page of the site (such as in a header or footer), please provide a link to The-Digital-Picture.com from the home page only.
- A "© The-Digital-Picture.com" watermark must remain legible on all TDP images.
Replacing the provided watermark is permitted - and is encouraged when resizing the image.
- TDP images must be hosted on a server you have control over and authority to access (no hot linking).
- If using a TDP image for selling an item (including on eBay, in a forum, on Craigslist, etc.), TDP-sourced images must be denoted as stock images or similar.
The customer must not in any way expect TDP to be involved in the transaction.
- Use of TDP images in the sales of photographic services (wedding photography for example) is encouraged.
Prohibited Uses of The-Digital-Picture.com's Product Images:
- The-Digital-Picture.com's product images may not be used in any way for direct or indirect (including affiliate-based) sales of related products (cameras, lenses, etc.)
not personally used by you. For example, camera gear retailers are not permitted to use these images without a paid licensing agreement.
- The-Digital-Picture.com's product images are not available for use in full product reviews or other similar TDP-competing uses.
- The-Digital-Picture.com's product images may not be sold or used in products to be sold (such as composite images) without a paid licensing agreement.
The-Digital-Picture.com reserves the right to change this free use license policy as necessary (especially to stop abuse). Damages are limited to your money back. :)