As you know, this site is 100% supported by you - primarily from small commissions received from purchases you make using the links on this site. The bad news is that, late last year, the PA DOR made a shortsighted decision.
This PA DOR (Pennsylvania Department of Revenue) re-interpretation of an old law has resulted in B&H withholding support of the site - for many months now. B&H has been a good partner, I have had a long relationship with them, and I have been dedicated to maintaining that relationship going forward. Unfortunately, significant legal expenses compounded by the dramatic reduction in funding have seriously drained my finances. The result is that a new premier partner now takes over the preferred retailer position on the site.
Fortunately, Adorama is an excellent retailer to work with and is very worthy of my recommendation. I purchase very significant amounts of gear from Adorama and know firsthand that they take excellent care of their customers. Adorama generally delivers to me 1 day faster, and if you order by 7:00 PM ET, they ship (usually for free) the same day.
Going forward, I humbly request your support of this site through your gear purchases at Adorama - specifically by using the links provided here to add items to your cart and to complete the checkout process. I am extremely grateful for your support - I look forward to serving you long into the future!