I am getting a lot of email asking about the Canon EOS 5D Mark III and the image softness issue. Let me clarify what I'm seeing:
The Canon EOS 5D Mark III is Delivering Very Sharp Images
There is a softness issue, but it appears to be completely isolated to the Canon Digital Photo Pro software's "High quality" RAW conversion algorithm.
You can see the sharp 5D III images in DPP's quick viewer and in the Edit window with preferences set to High speed. The issue appears to be completely in DPP's High quality processing algorithm.
Canon has been in touch with me again this morning and appears very eager to resolve the problem. My personal expectation is that the problem resolution will be in the form of a DPP update. The 5D III appears to be fine from my perspective. I have no intentions of returning my camera - I'm having far too much fun with it.