B&H Creates The Canon Lens Experience: Stories from the Masters & Interactive Learning Tools

B&H has a new, wonderfully fun and useful page dedicated to learning about Canon lenses. It's called...

The Canon Lens Experience:
Stories from the Masters & Interactive Learning Tools

On the page you'll find 5 sections:

  • Experiences
  • Virtual (Focal Length, Aperture, Tilt-Shift, Image Stabilization & Macro)
  • Lenses (Prime, Special & Zoom)
  • Why Canon
  • Glossary

In the Experiences section, B&H interviews professional photographers in various photographic genres. One of my personal favorites was an interview with Gregory Heisler on portrait photography, but many other well-known photographers are included covering architectural to wildlife photography and everything in between.

The Virtual section allows the user to see how various aspects of a lens can make or break a shot. See how scenes change as the focal length, aperture or tilt is varied. You can also see a demonstration of the helpfulness of image stabilization and the benefits of using macro lenses.

The Lenses section allows you to scroll through Canon's vast number of lenses and see a short summary of each lens. The product line is organized into three parts – Prime, Special & Zoom lenses.

The Why Canon section is simply a link to a previously published B&H Explora article called "Everything You Need to Know about Canon Lenses.". The article does a good job explaining the design elements of a lens and the significance of various things such as coatings, fluorite glass, aspheric lenses and diffractive optics.

And as you might have guessed, the Glossary provides a resource for explaining all those obscure sounding words related to photography. Abbe Number, anyone?

Overall, the The Canon Lens Experience page is an enjoyable way to learn about Canon lenses. Take a look – I think you'll agree!

And for a more in-depth look at specific lenses, you might want to check out this handy resource.

Posted: 8/26/2014 2:10:17 PM ET    Posted By: Sean
Posted to: Canon News    Category: B&H News
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